Sejak akhir2 ni aku byk pk pasal satu bnde ni...susah la nk ckp kan? tp bende ni mmg la merunsingkan...tampaknye mcm bende ni sesuatu yg sgt menceriakan, masa yg sama aku jadi serba salah secara tibe2...
Selama ni aku xde plak terpk nak pk mcm ntah la...sejak ade satu kejadian ni membuatkan aku asik terpk je...ape2 pun...aku harap ape yg aku buat ni betul...aku pun dah byk berdoa...tunjukkan jalan...yg mane yg terbaik tuk aku...dan aku harap ini lah yg terbaik...
Akhirnya aku dah buat...sbb ianya memerlukan aku untuk membuat keputusan...mmg aku sgt berat hati ..sgt2 aku kene sedar diri aku ini siape...hahaha...
Hari ni merupakan hari yg plg xde mood utk aku...hampeh gile rasanya...jadi xtentu arah xpe lah..siapa aku nak menentukan nasib kan? hahaha terima ape adanya..
Aku terfikir...
Labels: MySelf
Ketenangan Jiwa ke Belaian Jiwa?
Sehingga ke hari ni, aku dah dpt ketenangan jiwa yg aku inginkan...jiwa aku sgt tenang sekarang..aku bebas nak berkawan ngan sape2...aku bebas nak buat ape saje...aku bebas nak pegi mane xde la ke tempat yg xelok kan?
Nak cari ketenangan mmg la senang kan? Sume org pun ade cara sendiri...pegi karok ke? pegi shopping ke? pegi men golf ke ape belaian jiwa ni...mcm mane? Masih la belum jumpa...mungkin dah tersentuh dulu...tapi terpaksa lepaskan...sebabnye? sbb bila aku jmpa Belaian Jiwa aku terpaksa buang Ketenangan Jiwa aku...mcm mane nak tenang lah kan? Mmg kompem la xboleh..hahaha
Cume aku masih tertanya2 mane yg aku perlukan...Ketenangan Jiwa ataupun Belaian Jiwa..Mungkin..dua2 pun boleh..hahah kalau kite pandai memilih...hahahaha
Labels: Expression
Ape yang kite fikirkan? What do you think?
Kadang2 kite akan memikirkan sesuatu..selalu nya bende yang kite akan fikirkan ni mmg bende yang paling rumit sekali utk difikirkan...kalau fikir pun boleh membuatkan kita rasa mcm nak pecah kepala...sebab tu, kadang2 kite boleh tanya plak ngan org lain pasal masalah tu..
Tapi, byk sgt input dari org lain pun satu masalah jugak...kenape? sbb kadang2 keputusan yang kite nak buat dah mula disebabkan pengaruh dari org lain...sbbnya? kita tidak lagi memikirkan penyelesaian berdasarkan diri sendiri...nnt siapa yg tak puas hati? dah tentu2 diri sendiri..bukan lah salah utk bertanya...tetapi bertempatlah bila bertanya...
Pendapat org lain pun ade juga yg betul...ade juga yg mmg terbaik...tapi kite mesti tau ape yg kite nak, ape yg kite rasa terbaek untuk kite..bukan kerana mengikut ckp org semata2...
Pengalaman aku, aku pernah alami situasi mcm ni...ramai org dah aku bertanya..ape harus aku buat dlm keadaan itu dan ini...pernah juga aku tanya je pendapat, tp sepatah haram pun aku xikut..sbb ape? sbb aku fikirkan ape yg terbaik utk diri aku...bila kita dah sayang akan sesuatu, buatlah mcm mane pun, buruk mana sekali pun, tetap kite akhirnya aku terpaksa akur...setelah 4 tahun...segalanya tetap berakhir...pengakhiran dari diriku sendiri..aku yg nak jadi mcm ni...
Sekurang2 nya, bila kita buat keputusan sbb diri sendiri...buruk mcm mana pun consequences nye, kite tau ini yg mmg kite mahukan...jadi, kite kene bersedia dan terime segalanya..
Labels: Expression
3 Days of holidays!~
What I’ve been through for these past few days.? It’s just another days of my life..but not the same as another day of my life..this time, its differ..
The thing is...Im not all alone for those days..the first day i was having my "berbuka puasa" at alamanda with friends..Hadi, Zul, Then, Zul suddenly came out with an insane idea.."Ape kate esok kite pegi PD?" Technically, I didn’t think his idea was insane after we agreed with it without even arguing.
But before that, I was planning to go to Malacca on the day after...As one of my friend had something to do there...And i was accompanied her along with Hadi…We depart from Seri Kembangan at 9.45am…even its was a tiring day, i think the 2 days trip was good enough for me to fulfill my day..
"Berbuka Puasa" at Equine Park's Jusco, Pizza Hut..Well, the dine didn’t finished actually...So I’ve to take away the pizza and assumed it as my Sahur meal..hahaha
Then the day after that, it was a boring day until Aiman had called me out. He said that everything was malfunctioned at his house...the TV, PC's monitor, internet cut I’ve decided to go to Mines with him on that day...What am i doing there? To have fun, we played arcade, specifically TEKKEN 6! The price? 3 Tokens = RM1.50 (Aiman's threat) Thank you Aiman~
Then, we went back since theres nothing to do there as the time is still early...At home we played Winning Eleven..As usuall, Aiman with his Manchester United and me Liverpool...Long live Fernando Torres!..We’ve played for about 5 games and Liverpool won all the games...Thanks to F.Torres(I think you know Aiman~ :p) At 5.30pm, we went out again, this time we went to Alamanda..To have Nandos! 1/2 chicken meal for both of us~
After that, we went back home and played Winning Eleven again…another 5 games again..and Liverpool was astounding with winning streak! hahaha credit to F.Torres again. To be honest, when i saw F.Torres, he re-preminded me on something…Someone to be more specific…because I’ve given this name to somebody…I think that person know who am I talking about…hahaha…
Well, my days is not boring after all…just let it flow and I’m sure we'll encountered something interesting…with our life..But, there is something that had always made my day...My day shouldn't been quite, shouldn't been lonely, shouldn't been boring anymore...Thank you…for making my days ...until’s always been the greatest day…
Labels: Walkaround
Its just another day of my life...
Life is simple..we eat to live, we sleep to rest, we works to get profits and we pray to show gratitude towards HIM..the one who make it difficult is us, human.
I know that life is simple..but, not everything is, as simple as was so easy when we were a child..we dont even think when we want to do something..we just do it..without making any assumption on what might happened next..
But now, we think almost everytime..there is this and that..everythign must have assumpations, everything must have reasons, everything must have results, everything must have consequences..and even sometimes..we might have confusion when making decision with our life..choosing the right path, the right way for ourself..which may lead to a different way of life..afterwards..
Most of us afraid of changes...most of us afraid of the uncertainties..afraid of the unknown..well, thats what life is all about..we didnt know of what might happened tomorrow, even, for the next 1 hour..but, for sure, what we do now will reflect the future..
We just have to move on..think of the best for us, the best way for us in the that we wont regret is not about what have now..but its what we are in the future..
Labels: MySelf