Its just another day of my life...

Life is simple..we eat to live, we sleep to rest, we works to get profits and we pray to show gratitude towards HIM..the one who make it difficult is us, human.

I know that life is simple..but, not everything is, as simple as was so easy when we were a child..we dont even think when we want to do something..we just do it..without making any assumption on what might happened next..

But now, we think almost everytime..there is this and that..everythign must have assumpations, everything must have reasons, everything must have results, everything must have consequences..and even sometimes..we might have confusion when making decision with our life..choosing the right path, the right way for ourself..which may lead to a different way of life..afterwards..

Most of us afraid of changes...most of us afraid of the uncertainties..afraid of the unknown..well, thats what life is all about..we didnt know of what might happened tomorrow, even, for the next 1 hour..but, for sure, what we do now will reflect the future..

We just have to move on..think of the best for us, the best way for us in the that we wont regret is not about what have now..but its what we are in the future..

Apekah aku try wat ni?

Mende la aku nak wat nih?? tetibe je aku wat blog?? ape jadahnye?? ahahha

Greeting Ma Frens!!

Blog ni tempat aku nak share2 mende ngan korang...kalau sudi tu baca la..kalau x sudi tu tgk je la...haha..

Yang mane baik jadikan teladan, yg mane buruk kite elakkan..yg baik dtg daripada Allah, yg buruk datang dari aku sendiri..

About Me

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If you want to know...just ask...if you don't want to know...just pretend that you know...if you want to ask...say it...if you want to make assumption...go on with it..